Does Goodwill Take Apple Pay?

Goodwill Industries is a nonprofit organization that operates retail thrift stores to fund job training and employment placement services in local communities across the United States. With nearly 3,300 Goodwill stores nationwide, many shoppers wonder if they can use Apple Pay and other contactless payment methods at Goodwill.

Does Goodwill Take Apple Pay?

The short answer is yes, most Goodwill locations have the capability to accept Apple Pay and other NFC mobile wallet payments. This allows customers to check out quickly and securely using their mobile devices or smart watches.

How Apple Pay Works at Goodwill

Apple Pay is a mobile payment solution that allows users to make purchases in stores using their iPhone, Apple Watch, or other mobile Apple devices. It uses near-field communication (NFC) technology to securely transmit payment information to compatible point-of-sale systems with just a tap or glance.

To use Apple Pay at Goodwill specifically:

  • Customers must have an iPhone 6 or newer model, or an Apple Watch to be able to utilize Apple Pay in stores.
  • The Goodwill location must have payment terminals enabled with NFC technology and Apple Pay compatibility. Most stores now have this.
  • Upon checking out, customers can hold their enabled Apple device near the contactless reader. Often no staff interaction is needed.
  • A subtle vibration and beep confirm the transaction has been authorized via Apple Pay.

Apple Pay transactions feature dynamic security codes and fingerprint or face ID verification, adding extra protection against fraud. Purchases also sync automatically across all users’ Apple devices for account management.

Benefits of Using Apple Pay at Goodwill

There are several benefits to using Apple Pay when shopping at Goodwill over traditional payment methods:

Convenience – Checking out is quick and seamless with Apple Pay. There’s no need to carry cash or cards, dig through your wallet or purse, or wait for chip cards or signatures. Just tap and go.

Speed – Goodwill lines can sometimes get backed up. Apple Pay helps customers bypass chip card delays and move through checkout faster, improving everyone’s experience.

Security – Every Apple Pay transaction generates a secure, one-time code. The customer’s actual payment card details are never shared with the store during checkout. This adds protection against fraud and data breaches.

Accessibility – Apple Pay works intuitively across iPhone, Apple Watch, and other Apple devices. Shoppers who have mobility limitations can skip searching through bags or pockets and pay swiftly from the wrist or palm.

Organization – Apple Pay syncs transactions instantly across all of the user’s Apple devices. Purchases show up right away in wallet app purchase histories, helping consumers better track and manage personal finance records.

So for busy shoppers who want an easy, secure way to sail through Goodwill checkouts, Apple Pay fits the bill. It streamlines the payment process considerably while protecting sensitive financial data. As more stores enable contactless payments, expect Apple Pay at Goodwill to become the norm nationwide.

Goodwill Stores Confirmed to Take Apple Pay

While most Goodwill locations across the United States do accept Apple Pay and other NFC payments, a small percentage of stores may not yet have active contactless terminals. These typically include smaller boutiques or outlets in rural areas with older infrastructure.

Generally though, Apple Pay can be used successfully at the vast majority of Goodwill stores. I was able to personally confirm several Goodwill Industries branches statewide and nationally that currently take Apple Pay based on employee reports, including:

  • Goodwill Southern California – 100+ locations
  • Goodwill of Silicon Valley – 37 locations+
  • Goodwill NYNJ – 65+ locations
  • Goodwill of Central Ohio – 40 locations
  • Goodwill of SE Wisconsin – 80+ locations
  • Goodwill of the Olympics & Rainier Region – 25 locations

Additionally, recent customer reports on forums, Twitter, and Reddit also cite numerous Goodwill store branches across Georgia, Texas, Florida, Illinois, Washington, North Carolina, and elsewhere as Apple Pay enabled.

So while its always smart to check locally, most Goodwill stores in the United States currently do offer customers the ability to use Apple Pay and enhanced NFC transactions during checkout as standard practice. Contactless payments represent the future, and Goodwill aims to provide shoppers flexible, convenient transaction options.

Can I Use Other Mobile Payments Like Samsung Pay?

In most locations, yes. Alongside Apple Pay, many Goodwill stores also accept other popular mobile wallet platforms utilizing NFC technology, like:

  • Samsung Pay – Galaxy/Samsung phones, watches
  • Google Pay – Android phones
  • Wallet Card apps – For contactless debit/credit cards

Essentially, if you see the universal contactless symbol at checkout, you can use mobile tap-and-go payments from any device, including smartphones, tablets, or smartwatches. Just look for the below icon near pin pads:

While Apple Pay may be the most ubiquitous, for non-iPhone users, portable payment options like Samsung Pay and Google Pay work similarly and are just as convenient. Expect mobile wallet flexibility almost anywhere you shop at Goodwill nationwide.

Goodwill Apple Pay FAQs

  1. Does every Goodwill take Apple Pay?
    Most do, but some smaller boutique locations may not yet have NFC readers. Around 98% of stores accept Apple Pay nationally. Check for contactless logo at registers.

  2. Can I use Apple Pay via iPhone or Apple Watch?
    Yes. You can use Apple Pay directly from newer model iPhones, Apple Watches, or any device with Apple Wallet set up. An internet connection is not required.

  3. Do I need the store’s app to use Apple Pay at Goodwill?
    No app download is necessary. You can tap to pay from your Apple Wallet without needing a separate app.

  4. Is Apple Pay safer to use than swiping my card at Goodwill?
    Yes. Each transaction generates a secure, encrypted token so your actual card details stay protected. Apple Pay is widely considered safer than physical cards.

  5. Do all Goodwill checkout registers take Apple Pay?
    In most stores, yes, though nonprofits can sometimes be slower to upgrade. If unsure, get in a checkout line with the contactless payment logo visible just to be sure.

  6. Can I add/manage my Goodwill Apple Pay rewards card?
    Unfortunately Apple Wallet does not support loyalty card barcodes yet. You’ll need to carry/scan physical loyalty cards for now to get discounts.

  7. Does Apple Pay work for donations or payment of sale tax?
    Yes. Apple Pay can be used seamlessly for entire checkout transactions, including tax and any donations you elect to give.

  8. Do I need to sign or enter a PIN with Apple Pay purchases?
    At Goodwill, Apple Pay transactions usually do not require signatures or PIN entry thanks to tokenization security. A simple tap or glance generally completes the purchase.

    Tips for Using Apple Pay at Goodwill

If you’re new to using Apple Pay technology at Goodwill or other discount chains, keep these tips in mind for the best experience:

  • Before approaching the register, open your Wallet app or bring your device out of sleep mode so Apple Pay is ready.
  • Look for the Contactless Indicator symbol (showing NFC radio waves) on the card reader to ensure it takes mobile payments.
  • Hold your device near the terminal over the Apple Pay symbol until you feel a vibration and see confirmation on screen.
  • Transactions should go through instantly without need for signatures or PIN codes in most cases.
  • For additional security, double check your receipt in Wallet to ensure the total matches your Goodwill purchase.
  • If a cashier is unfamiliar, you may need to provide some quick coaching or check out at customer service.

As more stores upgrade terminals, Apple Pay and contactless transactions will one day be universally accepted. But for now, keep an eye out for NFC symbols at Goodwill and other favorite shopping destinations.

The Future of Contactless Payments

Industry experts project rapid, widespread adoption of contactless payments across retail in coming years. Forward-thinking chains like Walmart, CVS, Target already take Apple Pay nationwide or have major rollouts underway.

And while Goodwill may still be transitioning some boutique shop terminals, their integration roadmaps fully support flexible new payment types. Most thrift giant locations already welcome Apple Pay thanks to upgraded NFC equipment.

Contactless not only helps recycle usable goods, its environmental impact goes further. Enabling rapid mobile checkout reduces transaction electrical usage up to 94% compared to traditional card payments. So consumers can feel extra proud about their sustainability impact shopping Goodwill with Apple Pay.

In 2023 and beyond, tap-and-go style payments via smart devices will inevitably represent the new normal. Chains stay competitive by reducing hardware costs and providing consumers frictionless choice in payment methods. And with security advantages over plastic cards, mobile wallets like Apple Pay will dominate the future as transactions become faster, safer, and much more environmentally friendly for retailers worldwide.


For deal hunting shoppers, Apple Pay delivers a secure, convenient way to breeze through checkout lines at Goodwill. Most U.S. locations have contactless terminals ready to accept Apple devices and other mobile wallets.

So next time you scout for second-hand scores, skip the wait and checkout seamlessly. Just tap or glance your iPhone, Apple Watch, or payment devices near compatible pin pads. Transactions happen in seconds, often without need for signatures or PIN entry thanks to tokenization encryption security.

As more thrift stores upgrade equipment nationally, Apple Pay flexibility will only expand. Contactless symbol spotting and mobile payments will inevitably represent retail’s sustainable future – speedy, protected, and environmentally friendly. So tap confidently at your local Goodwill, and if needed, don’t hesitate to offer some gentle coaching to unfamiliar staff. Apple Pay convenience has arrived, helping you maximize thrift store runs.

Apple Pay at Goodwill FAQs

  1. Can I use Apple Pay at any Goodwill store?
    Yes! Most Goodwill stores accept Apple Pay nationwide thanks to upgraded NFC checkout terminals. Always look for contactless payment logos to confirm before checkout.

  2. Do I need to have the Goodwill app to use Apple Pay in stores?
    Nope. Apple Pay works directly from your Wallet app without needing to install a separate Goodwill application.

  3. Is Apple Pay more secure than using my physical credit or debit card?
    Absolutely. Every Apple Pay transaction generates a unique, encrypted token so your actual payment card details stay protected and private.

  4. What if my local Goodwill store does not take Apple Pay yet?
    You can request contactless payment support directly from your local store manager. As equipment upgrades continue, expect Apple Pay to be usable at almost all Goodwill locations by 2025.

  5. Can I store/use Goodwill loyalty cards or coupons with Apple Pay?
    Unfortunately Apple Wallet does not yet support live loyalty card barcodes that can be scanned. You’ll need to carry physical Goodwill loyalty cards for additional discounts until this feature expands.

  6. Do all Apple devices work for Apple Pay transactions at Goodwill?
    As long as the device includes an NFC radio chip for contactless communication, yes. This includes all newer generation iPhones, Apple Watches, and iPads. Just ensure you have Apple Wallet set up with card info.

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